In this sense, cinema is the art of reality, the medium in which reality’s beauty is captured, where you can film marble or a face, or record someone’s voice, a sunset, the innate beauty of what you’re contemplating. Tarkovsky achieved this. - Carlos Reygadas |
JAPON is the best Tarkovsky film Tarkovsky never made - Nigel Andrews on Carols Reygadas' feature film debut 'Japon'
(Tarkovsky's work) was rather a confirmation of my own vision - Alexander Sokurov (mentored by and also a friend to Andrei Tarkovsky)
Dedication to Tarkovsky that appears at the end of Lars Von Trier's 'Antichrist' |
One thing i love about (the facebook inspired social networking site geared towards movie nerds) is the list making feature. A while back i made a list called; "The School Of Tarkovsky" (a list of films that i felt were inspired by Andrei Tarkovsky's work) and got some pretty decent feedback on it. Although he may be one of the best at it, Quentin Tarantino isn't the first & only director to use or lift imagery, music, characters and scenes from other people's movies and put them in his (even if people act like he invented it). In the early films of Lars Von Trier (nocturne, image of relief and the element of crime), you can see traces of 'The Mirror', 'Stalker' and 'Sacrifice'. If you've been reading my blog recently, you've seen that I've compared Micahel Haneke's work to Robert Bresson and Jim Jarmusch's work to quite a few different directors (wim wenders, senji suzuki, akira kurosawa, etc). This blog is partially inspired by Jim Jarmusch's quote regarding stealing & inspiration. Its easy to say "so & so" was inspired by "so & so" and leave it at that. But sometimes you gotta go a little further and show images from 2 different movies next to each other to really drive the point home. Note certain similarities like the placement of the actors in picture, the colors, background, etc.
Sometimes i think people like to just name-drop Andrei Tarkovsky and blindly say how influential he is without putting too much thought into it. I get the feeling people just like to say his name sometimes because it sounds nice, and makes people sound smart when they talk about movies. I mean think about it...a last name like Tarkovsky sounds like it could be the last name of a famous Russian composer, painter, sculptor, etc. And on the flipside, i don't think too many people who've seen recent films like 'There Will Be Blood' or 'Antichrist' are familiar with Tarkovsky and didn't know where some of the great imagery they saw in those movies came from. Some directors, like Carlos Reygadas and Lars Von Trier have flat out admitted to how much they've ripped off his work early on in their careers, while others make his influence so obvious (Elem Klimov and Alexander Sokurov) that they don't even need to say anything. Even a weirdo like Terrence Malick has been inspired by his work. Ever since Terrence Malick reemerged in the late 90's, all of his film since 'The Thin Red Line' have had this poetic quality about them that can only be compared to Tarkovsky's work.
So we're gonna look at some of my favorite scenes from various films placed alongside scenes from Andrei Tarkovsky's work so you can really see how influential he truly is. There were a few pictures i couldn't get, like Jessica Chastain floating in air in 'The Tree Of Life' (which reminded me of a scene in 'The Mirror'), but i think i got a enough pictures below for you to get the point...
Andrei Rublev (Tarkovsky) |
The Element Of Crime (Lars Von Trier)
'Antichrist' wasn't the first time Von Trier made a direct reference or a dedication to Andrei Tarkovsky. Both 'Andrei Rublev' and 'The Element Of Crime' start off with a scene of a donkey struggling to stand up. |
The Mirror |
Tree Of Life |
The Sacrifice (Tarkovsky) |
There Will Be Blood (PT Anderson) |
The White Ribbon (Michael Haneke) |
Sacrifice |
Farewell (Elem Klimov)
This one is interesting because its as if Elem Klimov took the scene of the burning house and mixed it with the imagery of the tree from 'Sacrifice' in one scene. |
Solaris (Tarkovsky) |
Antichrist (Von Trier)
Stalker (Tarkovsky) |
The New World (Terrence Malick)
some of these images from 'The New World' are repeats from an older Terrence Malick blog, but they're so relevant to this entry that i had to include them again
Antichrist (Von Trier) |
Nostalgia (Tarkovsky) |
Antichrist (Von Trier) |
Sacrifice |
Mother & Son (Alexander Sokurov) |
Solaris |
Japon (Carlos Reygadas) |
The Mirror (Tarkovsky) |
Nocturne (Von Trier) |
The Element Of Crime (Von Trier) |

The Mirror |
Antichrist (Von Trier)
Time Of The Wolf (Haneke) |
Ivan's Childhood (Tarkovsky)
The Ascent (Laris Shepitko) |